
How To Create Object In Jquery

jQuery create object from form fields

How can I create a object with a form's fields and values?

like this one:

              {                fields:    {                name:                'foo',                email:                '[email protected]',                comment:                'wqeqwtwqtqwtqwet'                } }                          

assuming the form looks like this:

              <form>                                  <input                    type="text"                    name="name"                    value="foo"                    />                                                  <input                    type="text"                    name="email"                    value="[email protected]"                    />                                                  <textarea                    name="comment">wqeqwtwqtqwtqwet</textarea>                                </form>                          

I need to know how can I do this for any form with a single function, not just a particular form.

Answer #1:

You can do this:

                          var              fields = {}; $("#theForm").find(":input").each(                function()              {              // The selector will match buttons; if you want to filter              // them out, check `this.tagName` and `this.type`; see              // below              fields[] = $(this).val(); });              var              obj = {fields: fields};              // You said you wanted an object with a `fields` property, so...                      

Beware that forms can have fields with repeated names, and what you're trying to do doesn't support that. Also, the order of fields in HTML forms can be significant. (These are both reasons that serializeArray works the way it does.)

Note that normal HTML practice is to omit disabled fields. If you want to do that, check this.disabled before grabbing the value as well.

Note that the above (written two years ago) uses a jQuery pseudo-selector. I'm a bit surprised to find that I wrote that. As it says in the documentation for the :input pseudo-selector, using it means that jQuery can't hand off the selector to the browser's native querySelectorAll (which nearly all browsers now have).

Nowadays I'd probably write:

            $("#theForm").find("input, textarea, select, button")...                      

...if I wanted buttons, or if not then

            $("#theForm").find("input, textarea, select")...                      

...and then filter out input[type="button"] and input[type="submit"] inside the each. E.g. (no buttons at all):

            $("#theForm").find("input, textarea, select").each(                function()              {              var              inputType =              this.tagName.toUpperCase() ===              "INPUT"              &&              this.type.toUpperCase();              if              (inputType !==              "BUTTON"              && inputType !==              "SUBMIT") {              // ...include it, either it's an `input` with a different `type`              // or it's a `textarea` or a `select`...              } });                      

Answer #2:

                          var              inputs = $("form :input");              var              obj = $.map(inputs,                              function(x, y)              {              return              {              Key:,              Value: $(x).val()     }; });              console.log(obj);                      

Answer #3:

As per a comment on the page, you can do:

            (                function(                  $                ){     $.fn.serializeJSON=                function()              {              var              json = {};$(this).serializeArray(),                              function(n, i){             json[n['name']] = n['value'];         });              return              json;     }; })( jQuery );                      

Then do:

                          var              obj = $('form').serializeJSON();                      

or if you need it with your fields property, you can modify the function or do this:

                          var              obj = {fields: $('form').serializeJSON()};                      

Or you can just use serializeArray() if you don't mind that format of output.

Answer #4:

Here is a simple solution:

See Demo

            $(".form-sample").serializeArray().map(                function(x){data[] = x.value;});                      

Answered By: DDan

Answer #5:

jquery has a serialize() function on froms like $('#myform').serialize()

is this what you're looking for?

update: oops, maybe try serializeArray() instead, it should give you an array of name and value.

Answered By: albb

Answer #6:

                                          function                formsToObj(){              var              forms = [];     $('form').each(                function(i){         forms[i] = {};         $(this).children('input,textarea,select').each(                function(){             forms[i][$(this).attr('name')] = $(this).val();         });     });              return              forms; }                      

it's a generalized function that creates an object for each form in your page

Answer #7:

This way you catch all values from multiple selects or groups of checkboxes

                                          function                form2obj(form)              {              var              arr = $(form).serializeArray(), obj = {};              for(var              i =              0; i < arr.length; i++) {              if(obj[arr[i].name] ===              undefined) {             obj[arr[i].name] = arr[i].value;         }              else              {              if(!(obj[arr[i].name]              instanceof              Array)) {                 obj[arr[i].name] = [obj[arr[i].name]];             }             obj[arr[i].name].push(arr[i].value);         }     }              return              obj; };                      

Answer #8:

A lot of complicated ways which do not work in some cases. In the meantime you can use the FormData

                          var              fields = {};              var              myform =              document.getElementById('ThisIsTheIDOfMyForm');              var              myformdata =              new              FormData(myform);              for              (var              [key, value]              of              myformdata.entries()) {      fields[key] = value;  }              console.log(fields);                      

is exactly what you want. It handles everything.

Answer #9:

So I always try to put a wrapper among form submits.

This is especially important for form submits that run over ajax.

The first thing to do is grab the form on submit.

            $(".ajax-form").submit(                function(){              var              formObject = objectifyForm($(this).serializeArray());              // Do stuff with formObject                            // always add return false to stop the form from actually doing a post anywhere              return              false; });                      

This will wrap any form that has a class of "ajax-form" and send the serializeArray to a function that is called objectify form which will return an object of all of the values of that form.

                                          function                objectifyForm(formArray)              {     returnArray = {};              for              (var              i =              0; i < formArray.length; i++) {         returnArray[formArray[i]['name']] = formArray[i]['value'];     }              return              returnArray; }                      

Answer #10:

Simple form code

            <form id="myForm"              name="myForm">                              <input                  type="text"                  name="email"                  value="[email protected]"/>                                            <input                  type="checkbox"                  name="gender">                <input                  type="password"                  name="pass"                  value="123"/>                <textarea                  name="message">Enter Your Message Her</textarea>                </form>                                    

Javascript Code:

                          var              data = {};              var              element =              document.getElementById("form").elements              for              (var              i =              0; i < element.length; i++) {              switch              (element[i].type) {              case              "text": data[element[i].name] = element[i].value;              break;              case              "checkbox": data[element[i].name] = element[i].checked;              break;              case              "password": data[element[i].name] = element[i].checked;              break;              case              "textarea": data[element[i].name] = element[i].value;              break;     } }                      

Answer #11:

If you want to spare any redundand element selectors, you can access the FormData from within the submit event handler function. The below code snippet will print out Object with searchTerm and includeBananas.

                                                function                  submitForm(formElement)                {                const                formData =                new                FormData(formElement)                const                allEntries = [...formData.entries()]     .reduce((all, entry) =>                {       all[entry[0]] = entry[1]                return                all     }, {})                console.log(allEntries)                return                false; }            
                              <form                  onsubmit="return submitForm(this)">                <input                  name="searchTerm">                <input                  name="includeBananas"                  type="checkbox">                <button>Submit</button>                </form>                          

Edit: I found that this is missing one thing: FormData can hold multiple values for the same key. In that case, you would need something like

                          const              allEntries = [...form_data.keys()].reduce((all, form_key) =>              {     all[form_key] = form_data.getAll(form_key)              return              all }, {})                      

How To Create Object In Jquery


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